Tag Archives: family

TV on the Road – Entertainment Systems For Travel Trailers and RVs

Travel trailers, fifth wheels, RVs – call them what you will but for those of us that love to live in them they are home. And one likes to surround oneself with the amenities of modern living whether the home is mobile or not. Some place the priority of mobile living on escape – going to the country, finding the quiet and relaxing. Others want to embrace the RV lifestyle while remaining connected to current events and their favorite television programs. Still others, especially those with children, find that it is important to bring along with their home TV, music, Internet and video games. The priorities of entertainment vary and are as numerous as the models and options of travel vehicles.

These days technology is certainly on our side. The entertainment system options in RVs have changed dramatically in the last few years. Television screens alone have made an amazing difference to the necessary efficiency of travel trailers and RVs. Where before a small, relatively speaking, 19″ screen required a much bigger devotion of space than do the massive screens of today. Doing away with the tube was perhaps one of the biggest advances in RV entertainment technology. In addition to efficiency of space these flat screen TVs add the possibility of multiple televisions. This is especially helpful for a family traveling with kids.

Often new RVs and travel trailers come equipped with entertainment systems. When shopping for a new vehicle it is important to understand what is included with the quote. Often one sees a show model which is outfitted with the fullest package while the quoted price does not include the full entertainment system displayed. While entertainment system upgrades are generally available make sure that the hike in cost is realistic when compared to the actual cost of the additional components. This is an important consideration when one considers that electronics stores often offer great deals on the various components of an entertainment system. However, the additional cost can be worth it for a vehicle that is fully equipped and ready to roll on day one. A professional or factory installed entertainment system can save a lot of space and do away with the eyesore and hassle of the cables and connecting hardware of additional equipment.

If one already owns a travel trailer or RV and is looking to upgrade the entertainment system it is important to consider such things as size, storage and compatibility. Certain questions should be answered. Can this component be hooked up with minimum hassle such as pulling out existing components to get at the plugs in the back? When not in use can it be stored while respecting the efficiency of space? Can it be plugged into and powered by the existing power sources of the RV?

The options for entertainment on the road are vast and today’s technology makes them incredibly flexible. Finding the right options for you and your travel companions is important. Take the time to make the right choice.